WGA Closing Day Luncheon 2021-04-27


WGA Closing Day Luncheon for 2021-04-27

Seating arrangements:  This is the ACCWGA’s last meeting of the season. There will be important announcements you will not want to miss and we have a few items which will require your vote for next season.  Because of this , We will have spacious seating in the ball room with tables arranged by the Tees you played and there will be limited seating in the foyer. 
Special Requests: Amy and the kitchen staff do their best to accommodate our members. There is a box provided below for those of you who have food allergies or special dietary restrictions. Please note:Special ordering because you want a hamburger instead of a sandwich does not constitute a dietary restriction. Please be respectful of the time Amy ,her staff and your Social Committee has put into this event planning the menu and it’s execution. 
Your League President 
Ren’ee Widmer 

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